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Second Opinion

Go for an expert second opinion, without stepping out of your home.
When it comes to critical ailments, one must be especially careful and doubly sure. We understand that it is time consuming and expensive just for taking a second opinion on the medical report or just to ask a simple query to a Specialist.

That is why we have convinced the top Oncologists in India to help us take a closer look at your medical report (or that of your loved one) at a fractional cost and without you to visit the Oncologist personally. Just upload your report or type in your query and we will get a valuable opinion from your chosen Oncologist from our panel at just Rs 500, without you to step out of your home.


we provide a comprehensive range of diagnostic tests and procedures

Pre-chemo Package:

Post Chemo



Cancer Marker


Let’s talk About it!!
We have Clinical psychologists and licensed therapists with expertise in dealing with cancer patients are the primary providers of one-counseling. Once-counselling aims to help cancer patients cope with the emotionally taxing and life-altering experience of undergoing Chemotherapy.


Psycho Onco-counselling

Onco -Physiotherapy

Onco -Nutrition

Medicine Delivery

We have got it all in one place.
Book your Meds now.

Copyright – 2024 PurpleRibbon Healthcare Services Pvt. Ltd.

Second Opinion

Please provide us the details which we can forward to the Doc for getting an expert second opinion.

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We Will Call You Back !

Medicine Delivery

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